Asia Pacific

About Xiao Bar Wang (關於小霸王)

The Story of BAR (霸)

Xiao Bar Wang LogoOne long summer day, the sun was shining harshly upon the scorched, arid land. There was not a single cloud in the vast blue sky. Every crook and nanny on earth was at the mercy of the sun’s unforgiving rays.

A hot fluffy cloud suddenly appeared and drifted by gently across the heavens – a glimmer of hope to end the unbearable heat.

雨: Shortly, a solitary raindrop landed on the parched ground. Drip, drop, drip, drop. More and more little raindrops fell onto the earth, putting an end to the torrid dry spell.

As the sun continued to beat down on the earth, a light drizzle began to fall.

With the help of Mother Nature’s best catalysts, the barren earth slowly became moisturised and well nourished.

As the fresh earth glistened under the sunlight, a tiny bud began to sprout. This was the first indication of life amongst the dry earth.

More and more buds began to sprout and soon, green pastures were formed. It was a glorious sight to see the cycle of life taking place.

革: The crisp smell of fresh, green grass attracted a lone wandering calf.

Upon munching on several crunchy stalks, a herd of cows arrived drawn to the refreshing aroma of the pastures.

月: Months passed and the lush green pastures expanded to wide, open fields. The meadows were flooded with mooing cows, basking under the warm sun and enjoying the luscious greenery.

Much like the now rich, blossoming earth, every successful business initially began from nothing.

With the three essential elements merged together – 雨, 革 and 月, a dominant force is formed, 霸, that will make any business unstoppable.

Company Ownership

Jeff Wang - 王建復
Jeff Wang – 王建復

Jeff Wang(王建復) always had a keen interest in food, particularly Taiwanese cuisine. Growing up in Taiwan, he was eager to learn and help out his parents’ in their family-run restaurant. As a Mediacorp artiste, he was drawn to hosting food programmes where he explored and sampled many Singaporean delicacies. After being away from his favourite hometown snacks for more than a decade, Wang was inspired to bring authentic Taiwanese snacks to share with Singaporeans.

Ong Wee Yeap who works in the financial industry , is a dedicated partner in the Xiao Bar Wang enterprise. Similar to Wang, he has plenty of experience and background in the F&B industry. His passion for food and his well-rounded knowledge in the industry made him an obvious choice as Wang’s business partner.

As the founders of Xiao Bar Wang, Wang and Ong have both been devoted in providing the best food and beverage experience for their customers.

Company History

In May 2008, Wang and Ong first incorporated Xiao Bar Wang. Motivated to introduce authentic Taiwanese street snacks to Singaporeans, the founders quickly developed upon this exciting prospect.

Xiao Bar Wang’s venture officially began on 9th April 2009 with the opening of their first kiosk at Tampines One. In less than a year, our second outlet was launched at Ion Orchard. Very shortly, new branches at Raffles City and One Raffles Place were opened as well.

Design Agency Singapore and Myanmar